Tuesday, March 16, 2010


It could be a fetish, and it's definitely backwards and colonial: I'm a huge fan of the Imperial measurement system!!  I think in in, ft & mi--NOT cm, m, or km.  True, I might remember learning something in first grade about a centimeter being about the width of a pinky finger, but ask me my height in meters, and you'll be lucky if I don't get the shakes & break out in a teary, sweaty mess. 

Thank the sweet lord Caltrans agrees with me, or is at least lazy.  I was reminded today of how much I do NOT miss Caltrans' ill-conceived attempt to convert to metric when I had to scale some quantities off an old plan set.  Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for going halfway and quitting.  Thank you for giving me back my cherished feet--I'll never let them go again.  (Now if only Caltrans would get rid of Microstation, too.)

Ugh...0.3048m?  What the hell is that?!?  Measuring according to the king's foot size?  Now that's money.