Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Search for "treatment" and Google autosuggest offers these helpful options:
  • treatment for chlamydia
  • treatment for ringworm
  • treatment for hemorrhoids
  • treatment for shingles
  • treatment for depression 
(Hmm, apparently little Jack & Jill are doing more than just tumbling down hills...?)
In the civil engineering world, treatment doesn't so much apply to human/pet health as it does to water health. Ewwwh, you mean like, the stuff in toilets--sewage?!? Well, yes and no. Wastewater treatment certainly can be the center of some people's professions, but luckily not mine. We're talking stormwater treatment, as in for the wet stuff that falls from the sky, onto roofs, roadways, into gutters, and (hopefully) back into some aquifer or natural water body at some point. That's right, runoff. Depending on where you are, different agencies require different things for treating runoff--How much? Biological uptake or mechanical? Flow or volume based? Which design storm? And the list keeps going...

It might not give you a wicked rash, cause blinding pain, or make you embarrassingly contagious, but stormwater treatment can be some pretty complicated, serious, and even scary stuff. Don't believe me? Just Google it.